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Our Classes

When you're a booty gym - you have to have a sense of humor! Butt, in all seriousness, our classes are meant to demystify scary gym equipment, provide a fun environment in either a group or 1 on 1 setting! We will tone, shape, and add muscle in all the right places. 

All About the Buns

As the name implies - this class is all about strengthening and toning the glutes! The workouts may vary from a slow booty burn, to an all out butt kicking session! Either way, we'll have you hip thrusting your way to better buns!

Total Body Balance

While we strive to build a better booty - we can't ignore those delts and lats! This class throws in a solid mix of upper and lower body exercises to sculpt an envious hourglass physique!  

30 Minute Personal Training

New to weight lifting? Need a little extra 1 on 1? Or maybe you just have a very specific goal in mind! You will have our trainer's full attention as they create a customized workout plan solely with your goals and needs in mind! 

Upper Body Blast

We're more than just great buns! In this class, we give the upper body some love too. Focus is on developing the arms, shoulders and back for that perfect V taper. Let's match those great buns, with equally impressive guns!

Bootycamp HIIT Training

Glutton for punishment? Booycamp is for those of you looking to burn off a little extra energy and calories! No boring steady state cardio here...this is a pure 100% booty bustin' sweat sesh! 

60 Minute Personal Training

Just like our 30 minute personal training, but this one is one hour long. Extra time will be spent on exercises but also dietary direction to help achieve your goals! 

What Our Clients Say

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Lauren K.

Awesome new spot in Columbus/Italian Village/Short North Area! The space is very bright/welcoming (a place you will love to workout in), and it was easy to park/get to. The workout was challenging, but not intimidating. I definitely walked out of there feeling like I got a great workout (and certainly felt it the next 2 days lol). The trainers did a great job explaining all exercises and the group atmosphere made it a lot more fun. I highly-recommend this place if you are starting out with lifting weights, or a seasoned lifter -- both will walk away with a great lower-body workout!
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